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Female saint with host and chalice

Southeastern Pennsylvania Women's Ordination Conference

P.O. Box 52046, Philadelphia, PA 19115

As a regional member of the Women's Ordination Conference we agree with the key goals:

 As women and men rooted in faith, we call for justice, equality and full partnership in ministry. We are committed to Church renewal and to the transformation of a structure which uses gender rather than gifts as its criterion for ministry. In this 2022 video, members of the Core Committee of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Women’s Ordination Conference share about their history, mission, programs, and strategies, working for a renewed Church. In a discussion following the presentation, participants of Women-Church Convergence consider the challenges facing their organizations, especially engaging a new generation.

Renew church governance to be inclusive, accountable and transparent
Bring about justice and equality for Catholic women
Incorporate women-centered theologies into every-day Catholicism

Our local WOC chapter meets regularly in the Philadelphia area.  All women and men are welcome to join our friendly and engaging group.  We meet to discuss, plan and pray for women’s ordination to the priesthood. For information about meetings and membership, contact .

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Subscribe to EqualwRites
EqualwRites newsletter is published by the core committee of the Southeastern Pennsylvania chapter of the Women’s Ordination Conference. We are inspired by, but independent of, the National Office of the Women’s Ordination Conference. To receive EqualwRites, email your contact information to To view previous issues, click here.

Read the current issue of EqualwRites

A Tribute to Patricia Fresen, A Tribute to Theresa Kane RSM, Kicking the Can Once Again (Synod News), St. Theresa of Liseux: Spiritual Powerhouse? or Whimpy Doormat?,The Gifts of Hildegard of Bingen, Why I Wrote 'The Cost of Sainthood", "Everything You Do is Sacred", Shining a Light on (Her)story; Book Review, Good Nuns Don't Give Sermons (poem), Spiritual Reflections: Advent 2024.

An open letter to Catholic voters and all voters for justice from Women-Church Convergence

WOC open letter of support for Tony Flaherty

SEPAWOC, P.O. Box 52046, Phila., PA 19115