EqualwRites Newsletter

EqualwRites is published by the core committee of the Southeastern Pennsylvania chapter of the Women’s Ordination Conference. We are inspired by, but independent of, the National Office of the Women’s Ordination Conference. 

Join our Yahoo Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WOC-SEPA/

 Return to: sepawoc.org

 November 2024 - February 2025

A Tribute to Patricia Fresen, A Tribute to Theresa Kane RSM, Kicking the Can Once Again (Synod News), St. Theresa of Liseux: Spiritual Powerhouse? or Whimpy Doormat?,The Gifts of Hildegard of Bingen, Why I Wrote 'The Cost of Sainthood", "Everything You Do is Sacred", Shining a Light on (Her)story; Book Review, Good Nuns Don't Give Sermons (poem), Spiritual Reflections: Advent 2024.


June - November 2024   

Reflection on 2024 Holy Thursday Witness by Marguerite Hermann Sexton, What Are We Not Allowed to Know? by Regina Bannon (A reflection on the Gospel of Mary), Championing Hope Once Again by Ellie Harty (hopeful exerpts from the May issue of Commonweal), "Corpus Christi" - Another Perspective by Eileen McCaffrey DiFranco, Book Review by Marian Ronan: "The Gospel of Peace: A Commentary on Matthew, Mark and Luke From the Perspective of Nonviolence" by John Dear, Spiritual Reflection on the Penticost Season and the Gospel of Mary by Judith A. Heffernan

March - June 2024

Holy Thursday Witness and Ordination Day Mass announcements, Mary Magdaline Award announcement: Marguerite Sexton, A Gathering of Blessing for Women Called to Ordained Ministry by Maureen Tate, The Canonized and the Silenced by Eileen McCafferty DiFranco, Schedule of upcoming events, The Catholic Church and Nuclear Weapons by Marian Ronan, Book Review: Just Church: Catholic Social Teaching, Synodality and Women by Phyllis Zagano reviewed by Regina Bannan, With New Eyes (a lenten reflection) by Ellie Harty, Poetry, Prayers, Blessings by various authors, Budget Report, Spiritual Reflection by Judith A. Heffernan

November 2023 - February 2024

Kathy Schuk's experiences in Rome during the Synod, The Overlooked by Eileen McCaffrey DiFranco ( hiatories of Mary Elizabeth Lease and Smedley Butler), Announcement of Walking the Way: Following the Footsteps of our Black Catholic Foremothers in Faith (May 2 - May 7, 2024), Review of "The Philadelphia 11" documentary, Book Review on No Guilty Bystander, The Extrodinary Life of Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Book Review on Subversive Habits: Black Catholic Nuns in the Long African Freedom Struggle, Thanksgiving thoughts by various authors, Spiritual Reflections on the Advent Season by Judy Heffernan

June - November 2023

Invitation to Saint Mary Magdalene Mass, Sunday July 16, Crack Open the Stained-Glass Ceiling - For "Good", Letter to the Editors, Love is not a Victory March (a study of the prince-bishops from the 11th and 12th century), Poetry by Mary Tarantini, Book Review of "The Church of the Dead: The Epidemic of 1576 and the Birth of Christianity in the Americas" reviewed by Marian Ronan, Spiritual Reflections on the Feast of Mary Magdalene by Judy Heffernan.

March 2023 - June 2023

Holy Thursday Witness and Ordination Day Mass announcements, Our Procession for Justice and Inclusion, Holy Persistence, Ordination Day, 2023 Mary Magdaline Award announcement, What the Spousal Metaphor Reveals and Conceals, Ordained into Pain, Book Review: Catholicism: A Global History from the French Revolution to Pope Francis, The Gift of the (Seemingly) Powerless and Spiritual Reflection

November 2022 - February 2023

Kathleen Gibbons Shuck's adventures and mis-adventures in Rome witnessing for women's ordination, Regina Bannon on the Synod: "Trust the Process", Eileen DeFranco on Christian Failures to Understand Jewishness, Jewish Women and the Jewish Jesus, Maureen Tate's book review on Maureen O'Connell's "Undoing the Knots Five Gemerations of American Anti-Blackness and Judy Heffernan's reflection on Advent 2022.

July - November 2022

2022 Mary Magdalene Award Recipients, Ordination Day Witness Report, Invitation to Celebration of St. Mary Magdalene (July 24), All about Eve, Fragile Hope for the Synod, Letter to the editors, Some Words from those (We Think) are Wise, Book Review: The Fires of Philadelphia, Spiritual Reflections

March - June 2022

Holy Thursday Witness and Ordination Day Mass announcements, Articles from issue #1 with current commentary, "Did You Know?" column from early issues, Annual Financial Report, Instructions on how to participate in synod from Women's Ordination Conferrence web site, "God, Our Mother" a poem by Mary Tarantini, Pages from the Power Point Presentation to Women-Church Convergence and Spiritual Reflection.

November 2021 - February 2022

Imagining a Synod, Root and Branch Inclusive Synod: The Bristol Text, What are you Reading?, A Woman's Lectionary for the Whole Church, Year W by Wilda C. Gafney reviewed by Eileen McCaffery DiFranco, The Meal that Reconnects: Eucharistic Eating and the Global Food Crisis by Mary E. McGann reviewed by Maureen Tate, Spiritual Reflection for Advent 2021.

July - November 2021

Celebrate the feast of Saint Mary Magdalene, Root & Branch Inclusive Synod, My Catholic Line-in-the-Sand, Mothers and Others, Catholic Funerals and Women, Discerning Deacons, Synodality, White Feminism (book review), Spiritual Reflection.

March - June 2021

Mary Magdalene Award: Marianne and Tom Tucker (us!), Mask wearing in the Philadelphia Archdiocese, SEPAWOC Engages with Archbishop Perez, Preview of forthcoming book: "Taking Out the Saints" by Eileen DiFranco, A Complicated Catholicism by Marian Ronan, Book Review of "This Hostel Life", author: Melatu Uche Okorie, Experince of Church via Zoom, Spiritual Reflection on Holy Thursday 2021.

November 2020 - February 2021

National Billboard Campaign, Do as I Say, Caste in the Church and the World, Alice Paul and Pauli Murray: Guiding us into the Light, Women's Ordination Worldwide update, U.S. Catholic Reform Organizations Stand in Solidarity with Fr. Tony Flannery, Book Review, Spiritual Reflections

July - November 2020

Invitation to 2020 Mary Magdalene Celebration, Zoom and Live, Non-Racist ... Anti-Racist Our Stand and Challenge, Several articles on Eco-feminism, Mother's Day 2020, Acknowledging our Sheroes, Book Review and Spiritual Reflection

March - June 2020

Philadelphia's new Archbishop : Nelson Perez, Mary Magdalene Award: Dr. Shannon Dee Williams, Commrnts on Feminism and It's Impact, WOC and Two United Nations Events, Book Reviews and Spiritual Reflection on Pentecost

November 2019 - February 2020

Holiday Reflections, The Perils of Predictions, WOW update, "Mary the Great", It Makes You Want to Stand Up and Scream; Marie Collins, Book Review, Spiritual Reflection and more.

July - November 2019

Did we make the right choice? Front Page News, How Can Equality Flourish in the Catholic Church? Christian, Know Thyself! Book Review, Spiritual Reflection

March - June 2019

Mary Magdaline Award recipient Marian Ronan, Maligning "Eve", Why Are We So Mad at Each Other, "Hurting in the Church" book review, Scripture Reflection

November 2018 - February 2019

We Celebrate Advent/Cristmas with: new Ideas ..., Woman Church Convergence report and save the date, No wonder We say "Time's Up", Not Silent! Not passive! on clergy Sexual Abuse, Book Reviews: The World Bible and Holy Rascals by Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Spiritual Reflection and more.

July 2018 - November 2018 

Mary Magdalene Fest Day, A Little Catholic MeToo#, Revisiting Dorothy, A Homily in Celebration of Mary magdalene,  New Initiatives for Church Renewal, Book Review, Scriptural Reflections and more.

March - June 2018

The 2018 Mary Magdaline Awards, Search for Happiness, Twenty-one Centuries of Idiocy, Book Review: "How to Keep Your Parish Alive", Spiritual Reflection and more.

November 2017 - February 2018

What They're Up Against, What We're Up Against, What Happened to Hillary, On Not Taking on John Kelly, Mary's Pence, Book Review, Scriptural Reflections and more.

July - October 2017

The Seven Demons of Mary Magdalaine's Deciples, The Woman Under the Bus, What's it all for? (a play), The Wearing of the Pink, Report on 2017 Annual Meeting of Women Church Convergence, Book Reviews, Spiritual Reflection and more.

March - June 2017

October 2016 - March 2017

July - October 2016

March - June 2016

October 2015 - January 2016

July - October 2015

March - June 2015

October 2014 - February 2015

July - October 2014

March - June 2014

October 2013 - February 2014

June - October 2013

March - June 2013

October - January 2013

June - October 2012

March - June 2012

October 2011 - January 2012

June - October 2011

March - June 2011

October 2010 - January 2011

June - Sept 2010

May - June 2010

June - Sept 2009

March - May 2009

October 2008 - January 2009

June - October 2008

March - May 2008

December 2007 - February 2008

October - November 2007

June - August 2007

March - May 2007

December 2006 - February 2007

September - November 2006

June - August 2006

March - May 2006

December 2005 - February 2006

September - November 2005

June - August 2005

March - May 2005

December 2004 - February 2005

September - November 2004

June - August 2004

December 2003  - February 2004

Poem, the Dialogue Continues, Calendar, Book Review, Spiritual Refelection and more.

September - November 2003

June - August 2002

September - November 1993

Girls as Altar Servers, Did You Know, Campus Ministry, Book Review, Spiritual Reflection and more.

To receive Equal wRites, email your contact information to sepawoc@sepawoc.org