Things that SEPA-Woc members to help organize for the Women's Ordination Worldwide 2015 Conference

1) Compare Printing Costs for program: color cover, double folded, about 40 pages, stapled binding, and/or cost of spiral binding.

2) contact local restaurants regarding discounting for WOW participants. NIX has a list of restaurants, not all of them conveninetly located to the Marriott. keep in mind cafes, diners and the Reading Terminal eateries.

3)Possibility of hospitality for International Speakers at Airport: Greeting, Welcoming, Driving etc.

4) Bread Recipes - Discuss with volunteer bakers, explore different possibilities.

5) Investigate cost of ads in city-wide and local, neighborhood papers.

Investigate possibilities of interviews with local papers, as well as with reporters at papers with larger distributions. Along with these—and/or in lieu of paid ads—getting local tv and radio people interested in WOC, WOW and the Conference in Philadelphia.

6) Write an Op-Ed piece about WOW and the conference.

7) The COR vigil is scheduled for 3PM on September the 20th at Sister Cities Park across from the Cathedral. Permit information needed. Planning and coordination needed. At this point National COR is doing nitty-gritty work for vigils around the country.

8) Feminist Walking Tour—maybe Thursday or Friday Afternoon or Sunday. Maybe a walk together or an informational guide included in welcome packet.

9) Conference Schedule becoming more finalized and detailed. Hoping for a more complete outline in a week or two

10) Still interested in a music director working with the musicians on the WOC National Board. Info given to WOC to contact Dugan McG. directly.

11) Place to stay for people hoping to remain in Philadelphia for a day or two after conference. WOC/ COR people willing to offer a place to stay for them?

email: if you are interested in doing any of this work. Thank you for your help!